February 20th production run gearing up
Posted by Shane Newman on

Hello folks, Our February production run will commence on the 20th February 2021 with those new components, engines and part arriving into New Zealand in May. Please have pre orders and deposits to us before the 20th of February. For more information please contact us via email, Whatsapp or phone.
2021 pre orders have begun
Posted by Shane Newman on

Pre orders have begun. 20th December 2020 cut off date. Please have all orders and deposits in before the 20th December. Our production run begins on the 22nd of December with that shipment of new parts , engines and components arriving in early February 2021. Loads of upgrades, improvements and performance parts, so keep checking back for updates. Here's to a great 2021 of racing, shedding and engineering. We all deserve it. Please contact us for more information regarding prices, deposits and how to pre order.
July container has landed
Posted by Shane Newman on

Hello everyone. Our March-April pre order 40 foot container has finally arrived in Auckland, we have unpacked it, and restocked our shelves. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic , shipping delays put us 4 weeks behind schedule. A special thanks to all those who had ordered as early as February and who have been patiently awaiting delivery. Thank you all for your orders and support during these hard times, it has been greatly appreciated. Many new goodies to photograph and upload, but our priority is to dispatch all back orders as quickly as possible. Newmanz RC Direct have had some fantastic...
2020 Cvirus shipping delays.
Posted by Shane Newman on

Well what a scary start to the year. Our assembly plant was shut down over the Chinese new year holidays due to the Cvirus nationwide lockdown, luckily no reported cases in that area as the location is quite remote. As a result, we missed the boat for our December shipment that was supposed to leave on the 15th February. So we are running a little behind. Factories and our assembly plant reopen on the 20th February, our next production run is on the 20th March. The December pre order shipment is awaiting customs clearance and we will let you know...
2019 New website up and running
Posted by Shane Newman on

Firstly thank you all for your support for the last 17 years :) What a fabulous time it has been, being able to share in builds, sharing your photos and ideas with others. The new website is up and running and we are updating the product lists daily. It has been a busy year with new technology, race events, custom bike shows, restoration projects and even a trip to overseas markets in search of lost treasures. The latest container shipment of goodies arrives on the 7th July 2019, all pre orders will be dispatched as soon as they are unloaded...